Contribution to EU Policies

In this section, we aggregate the most relevant information related to the contributions that the ESRs and their researches have made to EU Policies, which is one of the major goals of the NewFrac project.

Most relevant contributions to EU Policies

European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is the EU’s growth strategy. Launched in 2019, it consists of a package of policy initiatives, which set the EU on the path to a green transition, with the ultimate goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

It is the EU's contribution to the Paris Agreement, which the EU and all its countries ratified and which set the goal of keeping global warming to maximum +1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.

The Green Deal supports the transformation of the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern and competitive economy.

It underlines the need for all policy areas to contribute to fighting climate change. The strategy supports measures across economic sectors covering energy, transport, industry, agriculture, sustainable finance and more.

Under the Green Deal, the Council – together with the European Parliament as co-legislators – have adopted legislation which has turned the strategy’s vision into laws and rules which are applied in all EU member states.

For further information, please visit: European Green Deal - Consilium (»

Clean Energy

Shifting towards clean energy is a must to fight climate change and an opportunity to increase energy independence. Producing and consuming energy is a major cause of climate change. When fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are burnt, they release carbon dioxide into the air, contributing to global warming. Energy use and production account for 75% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing these emissions is a necessary action to fight climate change and reach the EU’s 2050 goal of climate neutrality. Investing in renewables and cleaner forms of energy is also key to increasing energy independence. Renewable energy – whether solar, wind or hydro – can be produced in the EU, which reduces dependence from imports, and creates new jobs and business opportunities locally.

For further information, please visit: Clean energy - Consilium (»

Clean and Sustainable mobility

Decarbonising the transport sector is key to reaching the EU’s climate targets. EU rules aim to make mobility more sustainable while ensuring connectivity across the EU.

The EU supports the development of transport systems to foster the single market and increase connectivity among Europe’s regions while decarbonising the sector.

Under the Paris Agreement, EU countries are committed to making the EU climate-neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, by 2030 the EU will reduce its economy-wide net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 % compared to 1990 levels, and will continue to progressively cut emissions to 2050.

To do its part, the transport sector needs to undergo a transformation which will require a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990 levels) by 2050.

For further information, please visit: Clean and sustainable mobility for a climate-neutral EU - Consilium (»

EU Industrial Policy

The EU’s industrial policy aims to strengthen the competitiveness of EU industry and to promote a more sustainable, resilient and digitalised economy that creates jobs.

For further information, please visit: EU industrial policy - Consilium (»

Energy Union

The energy union helps the EU reduce its dependency on energy imports. It also ensures more choice and lower prices for EU consumers and fights climate change. Energy moves the world. The EU's economy and the well-being of Europeans rely on stable and affordable energy supply. EU member states have agreed on common rules and targets to secure the supply of clean energy, under the energy union strategy.

For further information, please visit: Energy union - Consilium (»

EU Space Policy

The EU space programme helps carry out everyday activities on Earth. The satellites that the EU sends into orbit allow millions of people to communicate using new technologies, to travel by land, sea and air, and to develop ways to improve the health of our planet. The EU is investing in space activities that help Europeans in their daily lives and also tackle today's global challenges. The EU space policy helps:

to create jobs and boost growth and investment in Europe

  • plays a crucial role in supporting the twin transition towards a green and digital economic model
  • enhances the EU's strategic autonomy
  • pushes back the boundaries of science and research
  • promotes and facilitates other policies in areas such as security and defence and industry

High-quality, up-to-date and secure space data can:

  • guide rescue teams in locations hit by natural disasters
  • improve land use in agriculture
  • make transport and energy infrastructure safer

For further information, please visit: EU space policy - Consilium (»

Health Technology

The EU wants to strengthen EU cooperation on health technology assessment (HTA).

HTA can be a powerful tool in dealing with access to medicines.

The evaluation of a new health technology is a multidisciplinary process that reviews the medical, economic, organisational, social and ethical issues related to the use of a new health technology.

The review is performed in a systematic manner to compare the added value of a new health technology with an existing one. HTA is used with the aim to improve the quality and efficiency of public health interventions and to make healthcare systems more sustainable.

For further information, please visit: Health technology assessment - Consilium (»

European Research Area

The European Research Area aims to create a single EU market for research, innovation and technology. It encourages the free circulation of researchers and knowledge, and helps align national research policies and programmes. Prioritising investments in R&I is important for creating more and better jobs in Europe, improving citizens' quality of life and increasing the competitiveness of the EU economy.

The EU is a frontrunner in this regard as close to two thirds of its economic growth over recent decades has been driven by innovation. In addition, the EU accounts for almost 20% of global investment in R&I, and wants to increase its expenditure on research and development.

For further information, please visit: European Research Area - Consilium (»

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation (R&I) for 2021-2027.

The aim of the programme is to strengthen the EU’s scientific and technological basis, including by developing solutions to address policy priorities like the green and digital transitions. The programme also contributes to achieving sustainable development goals and boosts competitiveness and growth. It is the EU's leading initiative to support R&I from concept to market.

With a budget of €95.5 billion, including €5.4 billion from Next Generation EU, the programme complements national and regional funding in R&I.

Horizon Europe is the continuation of the EU’s earlier Horizon 2020 programme.

For further information, please visit: Horizon Europe: making sure EU investment in innovation and research has an impact - Consilium (»

EU Cooperation on Security and Defence

To better protect its citizens and defend its values, the EU needs to take strategic action on defence and increase its capacity to act autonomously. EU security and defence policy is guided by the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), as well as a series of complementary strategies and tools. The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) aims to preserve peace, strengthen international security, promote international cooperation and consolidate democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms. Established by the Treaty on European Union (TEU) in 1993 it was updated by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009.

For further information, please visit: EU cooperation on security and defence - Consilium (»

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European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061