13 PhD positions

The objectives framed in the NewFrac training network allow 13 PhD positions to be offered to excellent researchers for the development of their career through Marie Skłodowska-Curie grants, funded by the European Commission in its Horizon 2020 program.

The details of each of they are presented below, as well as the general and specific requirements for each of them.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "NEWFRAC" is a high-level training of a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers (ESRs) through the development and engineering applications of a new modeling framework focused on the prediction and analysis of multi-field fracture phenomena in heterogeneous engineering systems at different scales.

NEWFRAC in its mission of training students capable of solving the current problems of multi-field fracture phenomena in heterogeneous engineering systems, offers 13 PhD positions for early stage researchers (ESRs) distributed in a network of 5 European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and 2 countries associated (Israel and Switzerland), with the participation of prestigious academic and industrial institutions that will allow researchers to grow and develop their technical skills in a multisectoral environment.

Besides working on their project at their home institutions, the researchers will participate in network-wide training events like summer schools. Moreover, they will conduct secondments at other network partners combinig academic and indstrial experiences.

ESR project

Host Institution


IRP/ESR 1: Total energy minimization with stress conditions for mixed mode fracture in anisotropic heterogeneous materials and structures

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

IRP/ESR 2: Toughening composites by micro and meso structural optimization

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

IRP/ESR 3: Fracture analysis of advanced layered ceramics

Sorbonne Université (France)

IRP/ESR 4: Fracture of LFRP ultra-thin ply laminates in aeronautical applications

Universidade do Porto (Portugal) 

IRP/ESR 5: Nucleation and propagation of compressive cracks

Sorbonne Université (France)

IRP/ESR 6: Multiscale modeling of fracture processes in injection molded SFRPs

Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany)

IRP/ESR 7: Debonding of the reinforcement in LFRP externally strengthened curved beams

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

IRP/ESR 8: Fracture in biological anisotropic hard tissues (human bones)

Tel-Aviv University (Israel)

IRP/ESR 9: Multi-field and multi-scale modeling of fracture for renewable energy applications

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)

IRP/ESR 10: PF modeling of fracture in the human femur

Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland)

IRP/ESR 11: Analysis of the failure mechanisms associated to the unfolding failure in CFRP profiles

Fundación Investigación, Desarrollo y Aplicación de Materiales Compuestos (Spain)

IRP/ESR 12: Fracture in fibre-reinforced thermoplastics (FRTPs) across the scales

Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

IRP/ESR 13: Phase Field and Finite Fracture Mechanics for dynamic crack propagation and delamination in brittle materials and composites

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

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European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061