Technology Transfer Lab

Shared space with external companies.

Mission of the NewFrac TTLAB - shared space with external companies


Demostrate to companies

  • The advanced computational tools for fracture modeling developed by the NewFrac consortium
  • Other computational tools for structural modeling at disposal in the consortium
  • Capabilities for structural and material testing by the consortium
  • Other services offered by the consortium

The case studies investigated

  • Constitute demonstrators for the proposed modeling strategies to attract companies interested in the use of the developed tools
  • Assessing the actual capabilities of the developed tools to solve real problems
  • The feedback (consortium<->companies) in the iterative process of collaboration will be used to develop stable prototypes with features and characteristics necessary to work in an industrial environment

The main asset

  • The innovative modeling strategies for fracture prediction and analysis implemented in new computational tools by the consortium

Jobs opportunities

  • Open job opportunities in the industry R&D sector for NewFrac PhDs

Instructions for companies

Upon submission of a 1-page short description (template download») to», the feasibility of the problem posed by the company will be discussed by the involved PhD students and supervisors in this preliminary assessment. If feasible, based on the available methods, then a solution will be provided to the company free of charge. If considered too time consuming, then a simplified version of the study could be proposed to the company as feedback.

The Intellectual Property resulting from these benchmark studies will remain property of the NewFrac partners.

This first contact between external companies and the NewFrac consortium could lead to closer links that could result in the signing of research contracts with consortium members for further research. In such case Intellectual Property will be protected by a conventional NDA.

Upcoming Events

European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061