NewFrac first and extended Webinar

First and extended Webinar

First Webinar was a success!

NewFrac re-open PhD Position ESR-6

NewFrac re-opens PhD Position ESR-6

We announce that one of our Early Stage Researcher (ESR-6) position as part of the H2020  Marie Skłodowska Curie European Training Network - NEWFRAC ("New strategies for multifield fracture problems across scales in heterogeneous systems for Energy, Health and Transport") has been re-opened.

Sara Jimenez ESR3 Pegasus Conference

ESR-3 Sara Jimenez won the 2nd position in PEGASUS Student Conference.

Congratulations Sara for the 2nd position in the 2020 PEGASUS Student Conference.

NewFrac Consortium Agreement is signed

NewFrac Consortium Agreement is signed

Good news: Grant Agreement has been signed.

NewFrac open its recruitment process

Recruitment process ongoing!

We are pleased to announce that the recruitment process for all the ESR positions are now ongoing!

NewFrac open its recruitment process

NewFrac opens its recruitment process

We are pleased to advertise 13 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions to begin in 2020 as part of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie European Training Network - NEWFRAC ("New strategies for multifield fracture problems across scales in heterogeneous systems for Energy, Health and Transport")

Upcoming Events

European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061