NewFrac re-opens PhD Position ESR-6

NewFrac esr6 position reopens

We announce that one of our Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position as part of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie European Training Network - NEWFRAC ("New strategies for multifield fracture problems across scales in heterogeneous systems for Energy, Health and Transport") has been re-opened.

Robert Bosch is looking for an excellent candidate for his PhD position ESR-6: “Multiscale modeling of fracture processes in injection molded SFRPs”. Offer has been published in Euraxess here (offer ID: 572885), candidates can apply on the NewFrac website here, Application Form will be open till November 30th 18.00h.

The ESR will be enrolled in a unique interdisciplinary PhD programme of leading academic and industrial organisations. NewFrac in its mission of training students capable of solving the current problems of multi-field fracture phenomena in heterogeneous engineering systems, offers 13 PhD positions for early stage researchers (ESRs) distributed in a network of 5 European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and 2 countries associated (Israel and Switzerland), with the participation of prestigious academic and industrial institutions that will allow researchers to grow and develop their technical skills in a multisectoral environment.

Interested in our open Phd Positions? Apply now»

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European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061