CORE School - 18-22 January 2021

NewFrac CORE School

NewFrac CORE School will be celebrated next 18-22 January 2021

The CORE School training lays the foundation for theresearch and training of the doctoral students in theNewFrac project.

Download CORE School Flyer HERE

The following three aspects are covered in interactive courses:

Expert knowledge to establish a commonunderstanding of the state of the art

Academic training to acquire fundamental skills foracademic work and r aising awareness of researchethics

Professional skills first step towards futureleadership through basic communication skills andfeedback management

It will include a Course Work in FEniCS onNumerical Techniques in Fracture. It will required Microsoft Teams to attend the school. 

The CORE School is focused on doctoral students in Computational Fracture Mechanics. It is open to highly motivated students outside the NewFrac project as well.
There is no registration fee. Participation in the CORE School is for free but, to facilitate the organization of this event, registration is required. Maximum number of admitted students is 30. In case the number of applications is higher, the local organization committee will select 30 candidates in view of their suitability. Doctoral students hired by the institutions involved in NewFrac will have preference.

Local Organizing Commitee: Prof. Vladislav Mantic, Dr. Israel Garcia, Dr. José Reinoso and Eng. Ninfa Vital.

To obtain a certificate of having passed the CORE school requires:

  • Assistance to at least 85% of the lectures
  • Achieve at least 50% in the multiple-choice test that will take place on 05/02/2021 at 10:00 (CET) . 

Application deadline 14/01/2021 at 18:00h (CET).
Interested in participating? Register NOW!
A message of confirmation along with detailed instructions will be sent to admitted participants.


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European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061