NewFrac participated in the European Researchers Night (ERN) 2021 - SEVILLE


7 NewFrac ESRs exposed in the European Researchers Night 2021 in Seville 24/09/2021

Last 24th September 2021 at 22:15h, NewFrac ESRs in Seville, explained to the public how things break and how NewFrac Training Network study the prediction of this.

Through the stand: “Do you want to know when things break? - Can we predict it?”, the students had 45 minutes to introduce the project with some very interesting videos they created and also by doing some insitu test with papers trying to be as direct and close to the people as possible.

Some pictures of the event:

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Noche Investigadores 2021 Bio FB 01

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European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061