Call for NewFrac Workshop-1 is open now

NewFrac CORE School

The applications call for NewFrac Workshop-1 is open now 

Workshop will take place 1-8 October 2021

We are pleased to announce that the NewFrac Workshop-1 New Strategies in Computational Fracture Mechanics will be held in short version in Sevilla on October 4th-6th, 2021 (scientific presentations), and in full version in Sevilla and Madrid on October 1st – 8th , 2021 (including both presentations and industrial visits of aerospace industry).

The venue for short version of NewFrac Workshop-1 is School of Engineering, University of Seville.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the number of in-person participants is currently limited to 38 attendants and no restrictions will be applied to online attendance.

For active participation, the proposed forms are oral presentations and posters. The total number of oral scientific presentations is limited to 30 to leave a sufficient time for presentations and discussions and to avoid parallel sessions.  Presentations will be preferably in person, but online presentations may be also accepted. Depending on the number of submissions the scientific committee might have to select the oral presentations on a first-come, first-served basis, if it is foreseen to be presented in person or online, and the relevance to the workshop topic.

Estimated Participation Fee:

  • 3-days: scientific talks (Sevilla): 150€ (including food during the event activities, participant’s material, etc.)
  • 6-days: scientific talks & industrial visits (Sevilla-Madrid): 300€ (including food during the event activities, participant’s material, local transport and fee for industrial visits, etc.)

We open now the call for applications for those who are interested in attending and participating at Workshop-1. Please fill in the participation survey form HERE now or asap, and those who are interested to present their research work, please send Title and 1-page Abstract of your contribution to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before September 3rd, 2021 indicating the preferred form, either oral presentation (in person or online) or poster. Once the list of interested parties is closed and analysed by the local organization committee, we will contact you with payment details.

We encourage you to share this email, disseminate and publicize the event with colleagues and other scientists who may be interested.


Options of attending:

  • 3-days: scientific talks (Sevilla)
  • 6-days: scientific talks & industrial visits of aerospace industry (Sevilla-Madrid)

Modalities of attendance:

  • In person
  • Online

Forms of participation:

  • Oral presentations
  • Poster
  • Attendance

Please, do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any question regarding this NewFrac Workshop-1.

Thank you in advance.

Our best regards,

Local Organization Committee

Workshop schedule red


Apply now >>>


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European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Grant Agreement n° 861061